
Dedicated to my friends and colleagues. Thank you.

Waymark — Left to right: John, Dylan, Maggie, Sam, Ariel, Alex, (me), Kay-anne

Visible — Left to right: Alyssa, Chris, Eric, (me), Brad, Russell

Left to right: Justin, Gian, Eric, Nicole, Amanda, Ryan (me)

IGN — Left to right: Justin, Gian, Eric, Nicole, Amanda, (me)

Left to right: John, Kelsey, Becky, Keenan, Ashley, Elliot, Zach, Chalon, Maxime, Adam, Tyler, Kerry, Ryan (me)

JAM - Left to right: John, Kelsey, Becky, Keenan, Ashley, Elliot, Zach, Chalon, Maxime, Adam, Tyler, Kerry, (me)

Left to right: Caroline, Mani, Jennifer, Hoan, Ryan (me) Kelly, Lauren & Nicole

Apple — Left to right: Caroline, Mani, Jennifer, Hoan, (me), Kelly, Lauren & Nicole

Stephen Parker, longtime friend and design partner.

Stephen Parker, longtime friend and design partner.

Squarespace 7 launch

My first ever product team